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Analysis of training needs for sport stakeholders about athlete maltreatment (Allié.es)

Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada (SDRCC)


The aim of this research project is to conduct an analysis of the training needs of sports stakeholders with regard to athlete maltreatment (AM). The target groups are 1) medical and paramedical personnel, 2) sports managers, 3) psychosocial workers, and 4) physical trainers and other training support staff.

The specific objectives of this study are to:

  • describe the attitudes, beliefs, knowledge and behaviours of the various categories of stakeholders with regard to AM, particularly in relation to prevention, detection, assessment and management/intervention;
  • assess the willingness of stakeholders to change in the face of AM;
  • describe stakeholders’ training needs in relation to AM, i.e. the gap between the current situation and the desired situation.

Researchers: Parent, S., Boudreault, V., Durand-Bush, N., Mountjoy, M., Vertommen, T.