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Jeannine Ohlert

Jeannine Ohlert, PhD
Lecturer and Researcher
German Sport University Cologne
Institute of Psychology
Department of Health and Social Psychology

Jeannine Ohlert is a sport psychologist and currently employed as a researcher at the Dept. Health & Social Psychology of the German Sport University Cologne. She is part of the German research team on sexual and interpersonal violence in sport since 2015 and was involved in the first quantitative study on the dimensions of interpersonal violence in German elite sport (Safe Sport project). Since then, she is looking for ways to incorporate research findings and knowledge about interpersonal violence in sport into the education of coaches or club officials and has implemented the topic in the education of young sport psychologists in Germany. Her current research focus is on quantitative studies in the area of interpersonal violence and an empowering motivational climate as protective factor.