Martine Hébert

Martine Hebert (PhD in Psychology) is a professor for the sexology department at the Université du Québec in Montréal (UQAM). She holds the Level 1 Research Chair of Canada on interpersonal traumas and resilience, and she is co-holder of the Marie-Vincent Chair on sexual aggressions against children. She also leads the Équipe Violence Sexuelle et Santé (EVISSA). Her projects focus on identifying factors related to the adaptation of youth who disclosed a sexual assault, and to resilience trajectories. Since the beginning of her career, she has participated in the training of more than 80 graduate students. In collaboration with her colleagues, she edited 3 volumes on sexual aggression and on psychosexual development and wrote more than 250 scientific articles and 50 book chapters. She received in 2014 the Thérèse Gouin-Décarie award from the Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), recognizing a distinguish scientist in the field of social sciences. She is also a laureate of the Women Distinction Award of the Women’s Y Foundation, educational category in 2013, recognizing her mentoring role with the next generation. She was promoted as a member of the Royal Society of Canada in 2017, received the ‘’Exceptional Research Contribution’’ award in 2017 from the UQAM Social Sciences Faculty, the ‘’Research excellence’’ award of the Traumatic stress section of the Canadian psychology association in 2019, and the Adrien Pinard award from the Québec Society of Psychology Research in 2021.