Sylvie Parent
Sylvie Parent, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Physical Education at Université Laval. Her research focuses on violence in sport. More specifically, her current work focuses on four (4) themes: 1) measuring the prevalence of violence toward athletes and its associated risk factors, 2) the impact of violence in sport on the physical and mental health of young participants, 3) violence experienced by young officials in the course of their duties, and 4) various contexts of victimization of athletes (university environment, sexual minorities). In 2020, Dr. Parent was awarded the responsibility of directing the Research Chair on Safety and Integrity in Sport. The mission of the Chair is to prevent violence in sport by mobilizing a partnership between researchers, decision-makers, and partners of the sport community to support the production and mobilization of knowledge on this important social issue. In addition to her involvement in research, Ms. Parent has been working with the Quebec government and sport community to combat violence against athletes since 2004. Among her most notable accomplishments, she co-founded Sport’Aide in 2014, an organization aimed at preventing violence in sport. In addition, she has been invited to serve on various ministerial committees (bullying, the establishment of an independent entity to handle complaints of violence in sport, the development of a ministerial statement on violence in sport, and the design of the platform). She is also a regular researcher at the Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Intimate Relationship Problems and Sexual Abuse (CRIPCAS), an associate researcher at the Centre de Recherches appliquées et interdisciplinaires sur les violences intimes, familiales et structurelles (RAIV) and a member of the International Research Network on Violence in Sport (IRNOVIS).