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November 2024

Webinar – Challenging the Beliefs Driving A Controlling Style in
Coaching: What the Research Reveals

Haerens, L. (2024, November 13). Challenging the Beliefs Driving A Controlling Style in
Coaching: What the Research Reveals [Webinar]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS).

October 2024

Webinar – From safe to safeguarding sport

Gurgis, J. (2024, October 8). From safe to safeguarding sport [Webinar]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS).

September 2024

Infographic – Training needs of the Athlete Health and Performance team members to safeguard athletes from interpersonal violence in sport

Gillard., A., Parent, S., Belley-Ranger, E., Fréchette, C. (2024). Infographic #14 : Training needs of the Athlete Health and Performance team members to safeguard athletes from interpersonal violence in sport [Infographic]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sport (SIMS).

Infographic – Portrait on violence towards referee

Radziszewski, S. (2024). Infographic #13 : Portrait on violence towards referees [Infographie]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in Sport (SIMS).

June 2024

Infographic – Improving the complaint mechanisms for interpersonal violence reporting in sport

Radziszewski, S., Parent, S., De Sousa, D., & Belley-Ranger, E. (2024). Infograhic #12: Improving the complaint mechanisms for interpersonal violence reporting in sport: Recommendations from the literature. [Infographic]. Research Chair Safety and Integrity in sport.

Webinar – Athletes in parasport and safe sport

Rheault, C. (2024, June 12). Athletes in parasport and safe sport (in french only) [Webinar]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS).

May 2024

Webinar – Abuse and maltreatment of sports officials: Past, present and future

Webb, T. (2024, May 15). SAbuse and maltreatment of sports officials: Past, present and future [Webinar]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS).

March 2024

Webinar – Safe Sport policies in context: working with unintended and perverse effects

Tak, M. (2024, March 27). Safe Sport policies in context: working with unintended and perverse effects [Webinar]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS).

February 2024

Webinar – Child Athletes on the Talent Pathway : reflections on child rights, safety and long-term wellbeing

Trochet, L. (2024, February 28). Child Athletes on the Talent Pathway : reflections on child rights, safety and long-term wellbeing [Webinar]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS).

Infographic – Hazing, violence toward athletes during sports initiation

Parent, S., Clermont, C.,& Belley-Ranger, E. (2024). Infographic #11 : Hazing, violence toward athletes during sports initiation [Infographic]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in Sport (SIMS).

December 2023

Infographic – Mental health of developing athletes (french only)

Pomerleau-Fontaine, L., Soulard, A., Boudreault, V. et Brassard, S. (2023). Santé mentale des athlètes en développement [Infographie]. Montréal, QC, Canada.

November 2023

Webinar – Evaluation of complaint mechanisms relating to interpersonal violence: results of a rapid literature review (in french only)

Radziszewski, S (2023, November 28). Evaluation of complaint mechanisms relating to interpersonal violence: results of a rapid literature review (in french only) [Webinar]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS).

Infographic – What are the links between child maltreatment and violence in sport?

Parent, S., Clermont, C., Radziszewski, S., Vertommen, T., Dion, J., & Belley-Ranger, E. (2023). Infographic #10: What are the links between child maltreatment and violence in sport? [Infographic]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in Sport (SIMS).

September 2023

Infographic – Profiles of Teenage Athletes’ Exposure to Violence in Sport

Daignault, I., Dionne, S., Deslauriers-Varin., N., Parent, S., & Belley-Ranger, E. (2023). Infographic #9 : Profiles of Teenage Athletes’ Exposure to Violence in Sport [Infographic]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in Sport (SIMS)

June 2023

Webinar – Body shaming in sport: Why it’s abuse and how it can be prevented

Willson, E. (2023, June 21). Body shaming in sport: Why it’s abuse and how it can be prevented [Webinair]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS).

Workshop – Trucs et astuces pour les demandes de bourses (french only)

Gillard, A., & Radziszewski, S. (2023, June 15). Trucs et astuces pour les demandes de bourses (French only) [Workshop]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS).

April 2023

Webinar – Mental health in a world of performance: Understanding sport-specific risk and protective factors

Brassard, S. & Maurin, J. (2023, April 26). Mental health in a world of performance: Understanding sport-specific risk and protective factors. [Webinar]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS).

Webinar – Sexual violence in a sport context: What is the current situation? (french only)

St-Pierre, E. (2023, April 11). Sexual violence in a sport context: What is the current situation? [Webinar]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS). (french only)

Infographic – Preventing violence in a sport context in Quebec: Co-construction of a vision and action priorities

Radziszewski, S., Parent, S., Duchesne, L., Dionne, S., & Coutu, F. (2023). Infographic #8 : Preventing violence in sport context in Quebec: Co-construction of a vision and action priorities [Infographic]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in Sport (SIMS).

Febuary 2023

Infographic – Interpersonal violence in sport and the effects on teenagers’ mental health

Parent, S., Vaillancourt-Morel, M-P., Gillard, A. Dionne, S., Radziszewski, S., & Coutu, F. (2023). Infographic #7 : Interpersonal violence in sport and the effects on teenagers’ mental health [Infographic]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in Sports (SIMS).

Workshop – The essentials in literature search (french only)

Lavoie, M-D. (2023, February 14). The essentials in literature search. [Workshop]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS). Recording not available.

January 2023

Webinar – Hidden in Plain Sight: Exposing the Risk-Pain-Injury Sports Nexus

Young, K. (2023, January 24). Hidden in Plain Sight: Exposing the Risk-Pain-Injury Sports Nexus. [Webinar]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS). Recording not available.

December 2022

Webinar – Intervention in the context of sexual violence disclosure or in a suspicious situation (french only)

Roy, S. (2022, December 7). Intervention in the context of sexual violence disclosure or in a suspicious situation. [Webinar]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS). Recording not available.

November 2022

Workshop – Foundation of the Intercultural Approach (french only)

Hassan, G. (2022, November 24). Foundation of the Intercultural Approach. [Workshop]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS). (french only)

October 2022

Workshop – Studying and Teaching at University (french only)

Dionne, S. (2022, October 17). Studying and Teaching at University. [Workshop]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS). (french only)

Webinar – Including (Child) Athletes in Decision-making in Sport: Moving from Lip Service to Active Participation

Lang, M. (2022, October 12). Including (Child) Athletes in Decision-making in Sport: Moving from Lip Service to Active Participation. [Webinaire]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS).

Infographic – Prevalence of maltreatment among canadian national team athletes

Willson, E., Kerr, G., Stiriling, A., Buono, S., Radziszewski, S., & Topart, J. (2022). Infographic #6: Prevalence of maltreatment among Canadian national team athletes. [Infographic]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS).

September 2022

Workshop – Managing time and expectations on a daily basis (french only)

Petitgand, C. (2022, September 27). Managing time and expectations on a daily basis. [Workshop]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS). (french only)

Webinar – Promoting trauma-informed principles in sport sectors (english only)

Collin-Vézina, D. (2022, September 21). Promoting trauma-informed principles in sport sectors. [Webinaire]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS).

Infographic – Exploring the Modus Operandi of Coaches Who Perpetrated Sex Offenses in Canada

St-Pierre, E., Parent, S., Deslauriers-Varin, N., Radziszewski, S., & Topart, J. (2022). Infographic #5: Exploring the Modus Operandi of Coaches Who Perpetrated Sex Offenses in Canada. [Infographic]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS).

May 2022

Workshop – Professional Perspectives After Graduate Studies in Sport Sciences

Boudreault, V., Falcão, W. & S. Lefebvre, J. (2022, May 6). Professional Perspectives After Graduate Studies in Sport Sciences . [Workshop]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS).

April 2022

Webinar – Dress Code : A Challenge for Athletes’ Body Image? (french Only)

Stanworth-Belleville, K. & Demers, G. (2022, April 19). Dress Code : A Challenge for Athletes’ Body Image?. [Webinar]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS). (in French only)

March 2022

Webinar – Creating safe and enjoyable sporting experiences : The role of parents

Knight, C. & Parent, S. (2022, March 31). Creating safe and enjoyable sporting experiences: The role of parents. [Webinar]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS).

February 2022

Webinar – Coach-induced climate of empowerment as a protective factor against interpersonal violence

Ohlert, J., St-Pierre, É. & Parent, S. (2022, February 22). Coach-induced climate of empowerment as a protective factor against interpersonal violence whitin sports teams. [Webinar]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS).

Journalistic story – Verbal and psychological abuse in sport

Kerr, G. & Parent, S. (2022, February 6). Entre le podium et le gouffre. [Journalistic story]. Radio-Canada (ICI-Télé). (in French only)

January 2022

Webinar – Preventing abuse in sport

Mountjoy, M., Bourdais, F., Parent, S. & al. (2022, January 21). Prévention des abus dans le sport. [Webinar]. ReFORM (in French only)

December 2021

Infographic – Examining coaches’ perspectives on the use of exercise as punishment

Kerr, G., Battaglia, A., Stirling, A., & Bandealy, A., Duchesne, L., Radziszewski, S., & Parent, S. (2021). Infographic #4: Examining Coaches’ Perspective on the Use of Exercise as Punishment. [Infographic]. Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in sports (SIMS).

November 2021

Infographic – Extreme weight control behaviours among adolescent athletes in Quebec – Weight control as a manifestation of athlete abuse

Boudreault, V., Gagnon-Girouard, M.-P., Carbonneau, N., Labossière, S., Bégin, C., Parent, S., Prince, A., & Radziszewski, S. (2021). Capsule infographique #3 : Comportements de contrôle extrême du poids chez les adolescent·e·s-athlètes du Québec – Le contrôle du poids comme manifestation de la maltraitance envers les athlètes. [Infographic]. Chaire de recherche Sécurité et intégrité en milieu sportif (SIMS).

September 2021

Webinar – Research with young people on sensitive issues: ethical issues, impacts and precautions

Dion, J., & de la Sablonnière Griffin, M. (2021, September 22). Research with young people on sensitive issues: ethical issues, impacts and precautions [Webinar]. Université Laval

Videos on the Quebec Young Officials Study (EJOQ – in French only)

Parent, S., Radziszewski, S., Fortier, J., & St-Pierre, E. (2021). Rapport de recherche Expériences des jeunes officiel·les du Québec (EJOQ) Phase 1. Pour la Direction de la sécurité dans le sport et le sport, ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur.

4 caspules are presented:
1) Parents
2) Coachs
3) Athletes
4) Officials

July 2021

Infographic – Study on the experiences of young Quebec officials “Having to deal with violence”

Parent, S., Radziszewski, S., Fortier, J., St-Pierre, E., Prince, A. & Dionne, S. (2021, July 16). Infographic #2: Study on the experiences of young Quebec officials “Having to deal with violence” [Infographic]. Research Chair on Safety and Integrity in Sports (SIMS).

Podcast – Sexual violence in sport (in French only)

Parent, S., St-Pierre, E., & Gillard, A. (2021, July 8). Viollences sexuelles en contexte sportif [Podcast]. Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les problèmes conjugaux et les agressions sexuelles (CRIPCAS).

June 2021

Awareness – Raising vignettes for young Quebec athletes on the mental health difficulties experienced during the pandemic (in French only)

Labossière, S., & Gauthier, V. (2021, June 28). Match contre la Covid : Santé mentale sur la ligne.

3 capsules sont présentées pour les populations suivantes:
1) Athlètes élite
2) Sportifs·ves récratifs et entraîneur·es
3) Psychologues du sport

Pour récupérer les capsules: YouTube, Sportify ou encore Instagram

Webinar – Virtual maltreatment in sport

Kavanagh, E. (2021, June 18). Virtual maltreatment in sport [Webinar]. Université Laval

May 2021

Infographic – Mental health of university student-athletes in Quebec: overview of the second wave of the COVID-19 (in French only)

Boudreault, V., Labossière, S., Gauthier, V., Laurier, C., Couture, S., Dionne, F., Brassard, S., Durand-Bush, N., & Prince, A. (2021). Capsule infographique #1 : Santé mentale des étudiant·es-athlètes universitaires au Québec : portrait de la deuxième vague [Infographie]. Chaire de recherche Sécurité et intégrité en milieu sportif (SIMS).

February 2021

Media Kit – Violence in a sport context

Parent, S., Vaillancourt-Morel, M-P. (2021, February 23). Violence interpersonnelle chez les jeunes en contexte sportif. [Text]. Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ). (in French only)

March 2019

Media Kit – Intimidation in a sport context

Parents, S., D’Amours, C. (2019, March 5). Intimidation en contexte sportif. [Text]. Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ). French only)