About us
To prevent violence in sport (VIS) by mobilizing a partnership to support the production and mobilization of knowledge on this important societal issue.
Chairholder’s message
As in many places, we are witnessing a collective awakening to the issues surrounding the safety and integrity of participants in sport, as well as a real desire to create a practice environment free of violence. In order to prevent and intervene in this regard, we have a tangible need for knowledge in this area. As Chairholder, I intend to ensure that the Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in Sport (SIMS) plays a leading role in the fight against violence in sport. I also hope that the work we are doing and will do in the future will be guided by a concern for meeting the needs of the community. It is through the mobilization of an exceptional multidisciplinary team composed of renowned researchers, community partners and experienced students that we will be able to achieve this. By forging this alliance between research and the community, we will be able to achieve our common goal: to make sport a healthy and safe environment so that it can play a fundamental role in the lives of our youth and have the desired impact on their growth, development, and fulfillment within society.
Minister’s message
The safety and integrity of Quebec athletes are at the heart of my concerns. In the current context, where the public has become increasingly aware of stories of abuse, harassment, neglect and violence, the creation of the Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in Sport at Université Laval is another concrete step to which the Gouvernement du Québec is contributing to and through which we are helping to prevent and counter violence in all its forms.
Dr. Sylvie Parent, a Professor in the Faculty of Education at Université Laval and a renowned specialist in violence in sport, is deeply concerned about violence in sport. With this Research Chair, she is committed to documenting the phenomenon of violence and identifying risk factors in order to develop, implement and evaluate preventive measures in the area of violence in sport.
I would like to thank Dr. Parent and her team for implementing a project that is so valuable to me. It is through initiatives such as this that sport in Quebec can thrive in safety and integrity.
Isabelle Charest
Ministre déléguée à l’Éducation
Ministre responsable de la Condition féminine
The team of the SIMS Chair is composed of researchers from various disciplines using diverse research designs. The multidisciplinary nature of the research team allows it to provide innovative insight into the issues surrounding safety and integrity in sport. The SIMS Chair includes high-calibre researchers, students, and research professionals, from Quebec, Canada and abroad.